Ministry Teams

The Aesthetics Team exists to establish a welcoming environment that reflects care, beauty, and respect to the glory of the Triune God. This will be accomplished by developing and promoting visually harmonious spaces that support and encourage the overall ministry vision of the church.

Leaders: Becky Busan | Teresa Etwaroo | Sandy Paredez

The Children’s Ministry Team assists parents in the spiritual formation of their children by helping them grow into faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.

Leader: Linda May Cohee

The Fellowship Team encourages Christian fellowship for members of the congregation, regular visitors, and others outside of the church by providing opportunities for building relationships.

Leaders: Caleb Hurst | Josh Phillips

The Kitchen Team promotes the fellowship and encouragement of the congregation through serving meals and refreshments on the church campus in a clean, pleasant, and organized area.

Leaders: Denny Hollobaugh | Trisha Hollobaugh | Irene Bailey

The Men’s Ministry Team assists the spiritual formation of men in the church, helping them grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Leaders: T.J. Schley | Jonah Boarman

The Mercy Team helps build up a loving church community by coordinating care for those in need.

Leaders: David Etwaroo | Julie Mericle

The Missions Team assists the congregation in fulfilling its Great Commission responsibility and developing a heart for evangelism and missions.

Leaders: Tim Wilson | Meryl MacDonald | David MacBride

The Nursery Team provides a clean, safe, loving environment for infants and toddlers during Sunday school, morning worship, various recurring church programs, and special events.

Leaders: Jamie MacDonald | Megan Outhous

The Service Team encourages church members in the grace of bringing Gospel help to the hopeless and needy in the community.

Leaders: Judah Cohee | Van Rhodes

The Women’s Ministry Team assists the spiritual formation of women in the church by helping them grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Leaders: Cindi Murphy | Heidi Wilson | Sheila Hairr

The Worship Team facilitates and encourages the exaltation of Christ in this church by coordinating all matters related to congregational worship.

Leaders: Josh Blake | Kris Wessler | Ann Pharr (Ushers)

The Youth Ministry Team assists the spiritual formation of youth (6-12th grade) in the church by helping them grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Leader: T.J. Schley