Services and Directions
We believe that the Lord blessed the First Day of the Week for His people to gather together and worship Him. We would love for you to visit with us!
Our regular worship service is at 10:30am every Sunday. Our worship style is blended, incorporating both ancient and modern elements. We sing psalms, hymns, and other worship songs. We confess our faith in creeds and prayer. We listen to the preaching of the word. We celebrate the Lord's Supper weekly.
We also have Sunday School for all ages from 9:00-10:00am every Sunday. This is a regular time for us to gather to pray and learn more about the Christian life. We try to cover a variety of topics each quarter, from church history to books of the Bible, from how to pray to the basics of the faith. Find a subject that interests you! Everyone is welcome.
We host a coffee & tea fellowship time from 10-10:30am every Sunday. This is a great time to reconnect with friends and get to know new ones!
We are centrally located on the Peninsula:
Calvary Reformed Presbyterian Church
403 Whealton Road
Hampton, VA 23666
(757) 826-5942