Children’s Ministry
Our Lord Jesus went out of His way to minister to the children around Him. As a local expression of His body, Calvary seeks to reach out to children with that same Gospel-centered love. We believe the Bible recognizes parents as the first and most vital disciplers of their children. Our Children’s Ministry seeks to come alongside parents in that endeavor by offering several programs where children will be engaged with the truth of Jesus through a loving community. We invite you to partner with us as we seek to make the Good News of God's love known even to the littlest of these.
Ages 0-3
We strive to provide a safe and fun environment where every child is loved and cared for in the name of Jesus. The nursery is available for children ages 0-3 during the Sunday morning worship service, Sunday School classes, Wednesday morning Ladies Bible Study, and during many special events and services.
During the Sunday School hour, there is a special class for young children that takes place in the nursery.
The Nursery is located in the main building at the end of the hall past the kitchen.
Children’s Church
Ages 3-5
While we love to have children of all ages to remain in the worship service with their parents, we also seek to come alongside families to help train covenant children in what it means to worship the Lord. Before the sermon each Sunday, children ages 3-5 are dismissed to Children’s Church. Our ministry volunteers will bring them back to the service at the end of the sermon.
The children are currently learning about God’s Word using the Gospel Story Bible curriculum written by Marty Machowski.
Children’s Church takes place in a room connected to the Nursery.
Sunday School
Ages 1-10
We provide classes for all children during the Sunday School hour before worship on Sundays. There are classes for Nursery aged children (ages 1-3), Preschoolers-Kindergarteners (ages 4-6), and Elementary aged children (ages 7-10).
The older children are currently learning the First Catechism using the Kids’ Quest Catechism Club curriculum from Great Commission Publications. We encourage parents to review the take-home materials with their children each week. The nursery children are learning a simplified version of the Catechism.
The Preschool-Kindergarten and Elementary classes are located in the Multi-Purpose Building. The Nursery class is located in the Nursery room.
Please drop off and pick up your children from Sunday School.
Safety is a Priority
We take every precaution to take good care of your children, so our ministries are staffed by volunteers who have undergone extensive CARE training and background checks. Our CARE policy is posted on the Member Resources page of our website. Children's ministry volunteers with CARE badges are also available to answer questions and direct families to the right classrooms.